

富邦定期人壽保可供18-60歲在港人士投保,為您提供純人壽保障,保險金額由HK$800,000 至HK$4,000,000*,供您靈活選擇。

富邦定期人壽保設計簡單,可靈活助您達成不同理財保障需要。無論您希望籌劃基本保障,或其他財務安排,例如: 為配偶或子女的未來生活做好準備,又或為按揭物業作供款保障,富邦定期人壽保都是性價比高的合適選擇。

不論受保人身體狀況如何,本計劃在受保人年滿85 歲前保證每年自動續保#,令您加倍安心。

  1. 此推廣優惠適用於所有透過香港富邦人壽的eChannel遞交每份富邦定期人壽保申請的保單持有人,保單持有人需於推廣期內全數繳付所需的折扣後首期保費,而保單則需於提交後1個月內成功批核。(「合資格保單」)。
  2. 於不同的繳費模式下,其用以計算保費折扣的適用首期保費為:
    繳費模式 適用之首期保費 (用以計算保費折扣)
    月繳 3 個月保費
    年繳 12 個月保費
  3. 所有保費折扣均不可轉讓、退回、更換其他禮品及折換現金。
  4. 香港富邦人壽有絕對權利根據申請人於投保時所提供的資料,以決定是否接受或拒絕任何投保計劃之申請。
  5. 如於冷靜期內取消保單,香港富邦人壽將會退還保單持有人實際繳交的保費金額。有關冷靜期的詳情,請參閱相關計劃概覽。
  6. 此推廣優惠只適用於香港居民。
  7. 本文只載有一般資料,並不構成任何銷售建議及/或有關產品之推介。所有產品資料只供參考。就有關計劃特點、保障範圍、產品主要風險、相關定義、條款及細則之詳情,請參閱相關計劃概覽及保單條款。
  8. 本文所載資料僅只在香港發佈,旨在僅供位於香港的人士參閱,並不適用於位於限制香港富邦人壽發佈訊息的司法管轄區內的人士。在任何情況 下,本文所載資料不能詮譯為在香港境外提供或出售或游說購買香港富邦人壽的任何產品。
  9. 本推廣優惠由香港富邦人壽提供。 香港富邦人壽有權隨時更改本推廣優惠的條款及細則或不再提供推廣優惠,而毋須另行提早通知。
  10. 就此推廣優惠有任何爭議,香港富邦人壽擁有最終決定權。





保單年期: 1年


HK$XXX / 月


HK$XXX / 年
註: 保費折扣並不適用於保單續保的保費。


點解要買富邦定期人壽保? 適合哪些人士?




投保年齡 18至60歲 (上次生日年齡)
保單年期 1年 (保證每年續保至受保人85歲)
保費繳付期 與保單年期相同
保費調整 保單續保時,保費將按照當時適用於受保人的風險級別(即性別及吸煙習慣)和已屆年齡的保費表#作相應調整
保單貨幣 港元
繳費模式 年繳 / 月繳
最低保險金額 HK$800,000
最高保險金額 HK$4,000,000 (18-50歲)
HK$2,000,000 (51-60歲)
投保程序^ 簡易核保 (回答2條健康問題)


身故保障 保險金額之100%
18-50歲受保人的最高保險金額為HK$4,000,000,51-60歲受保人則為 HK$2,000,000 (以每名受保人計) 。
富邦人壽保險(香港)有限公司 (「香港富邦人壽」) 可於任何一個保單週年日檢討及調整所有屬於本計劃下同一風險級別之受保人的保費。
投保時,準受保人的身體質量指數 (BMI) 必須介於 16 至 35 之間。身體質量指數 (BMI) = 體重 (公斤) ÷ 身高(米) ÷ 身高(米)。
The maximum Sum Assured for Insured Person aged between 18-50 is HKD 4,000,000 while for Insured Person aged between 51-60, it is HKD 2,000,000 (for each Insured Person).
Fubon Life Insurance (Hong Kong) Company Limited (“Fubon Life Hong Kong”) reserves the right to review and adjust the premium on each Policy Anniversary for all insured persons of the same risk class of this plan.
Maximum Sum Assured is calculated based on the total Sum Assured under the same type of insurance product for each Insured Person.
The Body Mass Index (BMI) of the Proposed Insured Person should be within the range between 16 and 35. Body Mass Index (BMI) = Weight (kg) ÷ Height (m) ÷ Height (m).

  • 受保人身故日
  • 緊隨受保人85歲生日當日或之後的保單週年日 ;
  • 如您退保,即批准退保當日或最近的保費到期日(以較早者為準);
  • 緊隨香港富邦人壽批准您不續保本保單的書面請求當日或之後的保單週年日;或
  • 如果香港富邦人壽在寬限期屆滿前無法收取任何到期的續期保費,該引發寬限期的保費到期日。
富邦定期人壽保是純人壽保險計劃,不含儲蓄成分。所有保費將付作保險及相關費用。保單由香港富邦人壽承保,您須承受香港富邦人壽的信貸風險,在最壞的情況下,您可能會損失所有已繳交保費及保單保障。您必須注意人壽保險產品的長期性質,除非您在冷靜期內退保,在保單簽發後退保將不可取回任何已繳保費,因而蒙受金錢上的損失。在提交申請前,您必須完全明白本產品所涉及的風險,以及考慮本產品是否適合您的個人需要及負擔能力。若您不滿意本保單,您有權在冷靜期內透過Customer Connect(網上保單平台)或以書面通知要求香港富邦人壽取消本保單,並獲退還已繳付的所有保費,惟您必須未曾於本保單下作出過任何索償。有關網上取消保單的通知須經Customer Connect提交,而書面通知則必須由您簽署,並確保該網上通知或書面通知於緊接保單或「冷靜期通知書」交付予您之日起計21個曆日內(以較早者為準),由香港富邦人壽直接收到,地址為香港太古城太古灣道12號7樓701–705室。
若於保單年期完結時本保單維持有效及受保人未滿 85 歲,保單將在每個保單年期結束時自動續保 1 年,但您必須按時繳付所有保費。

如您並非完全滿意這份保單,您可退回保單及附上由您簽署的書面通知或透過Customer Connect (網上保單平台)向香港富邦人壽要求取消保單。香港富邦人壽會取消保單及退還您已繳的保費,惟該取消保單的網上通知或書面通知必須由香港富邦人壽於緊接保單或「冷靜期通知書」交付予您之日起計 21個曆日內(以較早者為準)直接收到。冷靜期通知書(與保單分開)是發予您的通知書,以告知您可在該 21 個曆日的限期內取消保單的權利。香港富邦人壽的客戶服務部地址為香港太古城太古灣道12號7樓701–705室。若您曾於此保單索償而獲得賠償,則不會獲發還保費。如您於冷靜期結束後取消保單,將不可取回任何已繳保費 。
  • 香港富邦人壽全面負責本計劃一切計劃內容、保單批核、保障及賠償事宜。
  • 香港富邦人壽保留接納或拒絕任何保單申請的最終權利。
  • 本網頁所載資料由香港富邦人壽發佈。香港富邦人壽對所載資料承擔一切責任。
  • 本網頁並未列明保單內全部條款及僅供參考,完整的保單條款及細則概以本計劃之保單條款所載為準。請下載及參閱保單條款及保費表以了解詳情。
  • 本網頁所載資料僅只在香港發佈,旨在僅供位於香港的人士參閱,並不適用於位於限制香港富邦人壽發佈訊息的司法管轄區內的人士。在任何情況下,本網站所載資料不能詮譯為在香港境外提供或出售或游說購買香港富邦人壽的任何產品。
  • 香港富邦人壽為香港成立及註冊的私人股份有限公司,其註冊及業務地點位於香港太古城太古灣道12號7樓701–705室。
Nature of the Product and Liquidity Risk
Fubon Term Life Protector is a term life insurance plan with no savings elements. By paying the required premium for the entire target protection period for at least 1 year with your income and/or liquid assets, the designated beneficiary(ies) will receive a lump-sum Death Benefit in the event that the Insured Person passes away. If you surrender the Policy after the cooling-off period, the paid premium will not be refunded. If this is not what you expect, the Plan may not be suitable for you and you should not purchase the Plan.
Risk on Delaying or Missing Premium Payment
The premium will be paid to Fubon Life Hong Kong and part of the premiums will become part of the assets of Fubon Life Hong Kong while part of it will be paid for the insurance and related costs. The Policyowner does not have any direct rights nor ownership over any of these assets. The Policyowner’s rights are subject to terms and conditions of the Policy Provisions and his/her recourse is against Fubon Life Hong Kong only.

You should pay the initial premium on or before the Policy Date and thereafter pay the premium(s) on time according to the selected premium mode. Besides, if you fail to make premium payment before the expiry of the Grace Period (within 31 days after the premium due date), the Policy will be terminated on the premium due date that triggers the Grace Period. You will lose the coverage afterward and no premium paid will be refunded to you.
Surrender Risk
Unless you surrender the Policy during the cooling-off period, you will not be able to get back any premiums paid if you surrender the Policy after Policy issuance. Please refer to the cooling-off period under Important Notes for details.
Termination Condition
Unless otherwise specified, the Policy ends immediately on the earliest of the following dates:
  • Date of death of Insured Person;
  • Date of Policy Anniversary immediately on or after the 85th birthday of the Insured Person ;
  • Approval date of surrender or the last Premium Due Date (whichever is earlier) when you surrender the Policy ;
  • Date of Policy Anniversary immediately on or after Fubon Life Hong Kong approves your written request not to renew the Policy; or
  • The Premium Due Date that triggers Grace Period in case Fubon Life Hong Kong cannot collect any subsequent premiums due by the expiry of Grace Period.
If the Insured Person commits suicide whilst sane or insane within the first 13 months from the Issue Date or the last Reinstatement Date (whichever is later), Fubon Life Hong Kong shall only refund to the Policyowner or the estate of the Policyowner the paid premium without interest .
Inflation Risk
The benefits provided under your Policy may not be sufficient to meet your future needs as the future costs of living may be higher than that of today due to inflation.
Credit Risk
Fubon Life Hong Kong is the underwriter of the Plan. The Policy is subject to Fubon Life Hong Kong’s credit risk. If Fubon Life Hong Kong is unable to satisfy the financial obligations of the Policy, in the worst scenario, you may lose substantial part of, and even all, premiums paid and benefits provided under the Policy.
Warning Statement
Fubon Term Life Protector is a pure life insurance plan without savings elements. All of the premiums pay for the insurance and related costs. The Policy is underwritten by Fubon Life Hong Kong and is subject to Fubon Life Hong Kong’s credit risk. In the worst scenario, you may lose all premiums paid and benefits provided under the Policy. You must be aware of the long-term nature of life insurance plan. Unless you surrender the Policy during the cooling-off period, you will not be able to get back any premiums paid if you surrender the Policy after Policy issuance and thus resulting in a pecuniary loss. You should fully understand all of the risks involved in this product and consider whether this product is affordable and suitable to you before making your application. If you are not satisfied with the Policy, you have the right to cancel the Policy within the cooling-off period and obtain a refund of any premiums paid by notifying Fubon Life Hong Kong via Customer Connect, the online policy enquiry platform, or by giving written notice to Fubon Life Hong Kong provided that you have not made any claims under the Policy. Such online notification must be submitted via Customer Connect while the written notice must be signed by you. Either the online notification or the written notice must be received directly by Fubon Life Hong Kong within 21 calendar days immediately following either the day of the delivery of the Policy or the Cooling-off Notice to you, whichever is earlier. Mailing address of Fubon Life Hong Kong is Suites 701-705, 7/F, 12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong.
Important Notes
Policy Renewal and Premium Adjustment
If the Policy remains in force at the end of the Policy Term and the Insured Person is under the age of 85, the Policy will be automatically renewed for another Policy Term of 1 year at the end of each Policy Term, but you must pay all premiums on time.

The premium will be determined based on the age and risk class (i.e. gender and smoking habit)of the Insured Person at the time of Policy application. Upon renewal, the premium will be adjusted in accordance with our prevailing Premium Table applicable to the risk class and the attained age of the Insured Person at the time of renewal. Renewal premiums are not guaranteed. Fubon Life Hong Kong will review the renewal premiums from time to time based on factors including but not limited to actual claims experience, outlook of future claims experiences and foreseeable expenses. A renewal notice will be sent to the Policyowner before the end of the Policy Term.
Cooling-off Period
If you are not completely satisfied with the Policy, you may return the Policy with your signed written request to Fubon Life Hong Kong or submit request via Customer Connect, the online policy enquiry platform, for its cancellation. The Policy will be cancelled and the premium paid will be refunded, provided that the online or written cancellation request must be received directly by Fubon Life Hong Kong within 21 calendar days immediately following either the day of delivery of the Policy or the Cooling-off Notice to you, whichever is earlier. The Cooling-off Notice is the notice sent to you (separate from the Policy) notifying you of your right to cancel within the stated 21 calendar day period. The business address of Fubon Life Hong Kong’s Customer Services Department is Suites 701-705, 7/F, 12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong. No premium shall be refunded if claim payment is made under this Policy. If you cancel the Policy after the expiry of the cooling-off period, you will not be able to get back any premiums paid.
Levy on Insurance Premium
Effective from 1 January 2018, all Policyowners are required to pay a levy on each premium payment made for both new and in-force Policies to the Insurance Authority (“IA”). Pursuant to the current policy, the levy will be borne and settled by Fubon Life Hong Kong to the IA and Fubon Life Hong Kong reserves the right to change such policy. For levy details, please visit Fubon Life Hong Kong’s website at www.fubonlife.com.hk/products_philosophy_en.html or IA’s website at www.ia.org.hk.
Other Information
  • Fubon Life Hong Kong is solely responsible for all content, approvals, coverage and benefit payment of the Plan.
  • Fubon Life Hong Kong reserves the right to accept or reject any insurance application.
  • The information in this web page is published by Fubon Life Hong Kong which is fully responsible for all the information stated in the website.
  • The information in this web page does not contain the full terms of the Policy and is intended for reference only. The full Policy terms and conditions are set out in the Policy Provisions of the Plan. Please download and refer to the Policy Provisions and Premium Table of the Plan for details.
  • The information in this web page is for publishing in Hong Kong only and is intended for persons located in Hong Kong only and not intended for persons located in jurisdictions which restrict the distribution of information by Fubon Life Hong Kong. In any event, the information in this web page shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation to buy or provision of any insurance of Fubon Life Hong Kong outside Hong Kong.
  • Fubon Life Hong Kong is a private company limited by shares incorporated and registered in Hong Kong and its registered office is situated at Suites 701-705, 7/F, 12 Taikoo Wan Road, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong.



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Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong
(852) 2516 0199
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(852) 2516 0133
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